Annual Case Research Competition - 2024-25 - Connecting Academia and Industry Communities

20th September 2024


Case content should be contemporary, aimed at providing a concrete managerial focus, with clear identification of challenges and solutions along with the learning value.

  • Introduction

  • About the Company

  • Dilemmas faced

  • Proposed solutions


Balance to be maintained between the data, and narrative, in either International and Indian context.


Case submission is expected to enhance the learner experience

with various dimensions.

Teaching Notes should contain:

  • Learning Objectives

  • About the Company

  • Challenges/ Issues addressed

  • Data and Analysis

  • Discussion questions

  • Solutions

Case Writing Benefits:

  • Published cases will enhance the visibility of the authors.

  • Award of Rs 50,000 each for the four best cases, corresponding author to decide on sharing the prize money among the team members.

  • Encourages faculty members to enhance the Industry-Academia interface through the journey of case preparation and publication.

  • Contribute academic knowledge to the industry.

  • Publication opportunities with leading case publishers.


  • Individual faculty members or as a team

  • Faculty members working with domestic and International Business schools, University departments / Institutions/Centres, with official email ID

Categories of Cases:

  • Primary data

  • Secondary data

  • Caselets with teaching notes (5-7 pages)

  • Others

Submission Guidelines:

  • The Full Case Study must be written in English, and contain the executive summary, the dilemma, the proposed methodology, and the expected outcomes

  • The case should not have been submitted to any other journal or Case competition

  • Case should be written in Times New Roman, 12 font size with 1.5 line spacing in MS Word

  • The length of the full case should not exceed 20 pages including teaching notes, exhibits, and references

  • All submissions should be run with the software Grammarly for language correctness and proofread.

  • Refer KJSIM CRC website for more details

Evaluation Criteria:

A blind review of the case study will be carried out by the Jury based on the following criteria:

  • Case Quality: 60%

  • Teaching Notes: 25%

  • Novelty: 15%

The decision of the Jury is final.


  • Full Case Study Submission with TN : December 23rd ,2024


Copyright and Royalty:

  • Copyright of the cases will be vested with the Author and the Institute.

  • Pricing and Royalty sharing will be announced by the Institute in due course.

Documents to attach/upload:

  • Author’s affiliation file

  • NOC from the Company/Organization

  • Copyright form

  • Author Self-Declaration for Originality

  • Plagiarism check report

Online Submission to the Website:

Or to the email:

For any clarifications mail us at


Note: The Institute reserves the right to withdraw the competition in case of insufficient entries.